Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vindaloo day 1

Vindaloo is an awesome cat that join my family about 3 years ago. My daughter and I were attending a belly dance workshop in Tacoma. We had about 2 hours after the class until the start of the show later that night, so to kill some time we visited the local animal shelter. It was there that we noticed a 5 year cat with his back to everyone , he was simply sitting in his cage (#34) with out a care in the world. We we also intrigued by 2 other cats. We met a scared tabby girl 1st, then next up was the very chill-axed #34, he flopped on the table and said pet me....I knew he was the one. But we also visited with a frantic girl who was so very very scared. Poor thing. Well I had not really intended to adopt a cat but # 34 was on his last day, and I fell for him instantly. So we paid our adoption fee and instead of going to our favorite Indian restaurant or returning for and evening of belly dance, we took our new family member home to meet everyone else.

On the 45 minute drive home, we chatted about names, and #34 took a nap in my daughters arms. So cute so relaxed, so happy to find a family. Names what a challenge. We thought about belly dance themes, nautical, and a variety of labels were tossed around. The one the stuck was Vindaloo, it's a sweet yet spicy Indian dish, and well it fits him to a Tee.

Luna, Eddie and Carmichael were not super thrilled to welcome a new sibling, My husband while very understanding was also not thrilled about being a papa. I must say that in his first few months he was a handful. But that's a story in itself.

Vindaloo brings me such joy and is like my best pal. I look forward to sharing his stories and hope you enjoy them.

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